Charles T. Alfano Jr.
Cheryl St Cyr Bellisle
Eleanor B. Binns
Bill Boucher
Ginny Bromage
Darlene Burrell
Tim Casey
Beth Chafetz
Mel Chafetz
Kacy Colston
Debra Dudack
Kathy Dunai
Tom Frenaye
Jeff Girard
Jack Henrie
Robin Henrie
Krystal Holmes
Annie Hornish
Neil Hornish
Jim Irwin
Suzy Irwin
Roger Ives
Sandra Janik
Kevin Keane
Kris Keane
Kristen Kling
Jack Litmer
Todd Mervosh
Aysha Moore-Manwaring
Christine M. Rago
Dustin Rose
Melissa Silva
Kody Sotil
Rick Sotil
Ilana Stollman
Michelle Urch
Marti Andryzeck
Linda Cunningham
Angelo DiMauro
Michelle Girard
Jackie Hemond
Peter Hill
Ann Huntington Mickelson
Pat Reilly
Kate Rietberg
Ben Rodriguez
Tom Romano
Joseph J. Sangiovanni
Murial “Sam” Coati
Christine Davidson
Brian Fitzgerald
Bobbie C. Kling
Paul Kulas
as of 2/9/25
I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge our disappointment that Fred Sweitzer and Kristen Kling were not appointed to the Kent Memorial Library Commission and Social Services Commission respectively and to thank everyone who turned out to speak during the public comment period or sign... Read more »
Kathleen Dunai has announced her retirement as Suffield's Town Clerk. We thank Kathleen for her years of dedicated service and wish her well in her next adventure! The Democratic Town Committee will be nominating a citizen to replace Kathleen for the remainder of her term. If anyone registered a... Read more »
Early voting - August 5-11th at Town Hall 10 am – 6 pm (8 am – 8 pm on August 6 and 8)Absentee Ballot - request via: (apply early) https://oabr-sots.ct.gov/OABR/absenteeBallotReqPortalHome.do Election Day - August 13th - Suffield Middle School - 6 pm - 8 pm ... Read more »