I have served on the Board of Finance (BOF) for the last four years. I bring to the board over 33 years of financial experience. I was a commercial lending officer for 19 years and have been an investment manager for the past 14 years. I am currently a Senior Vice President with People’s United Bank in Hartford.
In addition to the normal duties as a member of the BOF, I have played an active role in bonding and long term capital spending discussions. I have also helped establish investing options and draft investment policies for the town’s excess cash reserves and OPEB accounts. I spearheaded the hiring of new investment managers for these funds. Furthermore, I am the BOF representative on the Retirement Commission. In that role, I have helped realign our investment process, hire a new investment manager and reduce the administrative fees we are paying.
I grew up in Suffield, and moved back here ten years ago with my wife and three children. I am glad to be back home and pleased to have the opportunity to serve this wonderful community on the Board of Finance.
I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge our disappointment that Fred Sweitzer and Kristen Kling were not appointed to the Kent Memorial Library Commission and Social Services Commission respectively and to thank everyone who turned out to speak during the public comment period or sign... Read more »
Kathleen Dunai has announced her retirement as Suffield's Town Clerk. We thank Kathleen for her years of dedicated service and wish her well in her next adventure! The Democratic Town Committee will be nominating a citizen to replace Kathleen for the remainder of her term. If anyone registered a... Read more »
Early voting - August 5-11th at Town Hall 10 am – 6 pm (8 am – 8 pm on August 6 and 8)Absentee Ballot - request via: (apply early) https://oabr-sots.ct.gov/OABR/absenteeBallotReqPortalHome.do Election Day - August 13th - Suffield Middle School - 6 pm - 8 pm ... Read more »