Brian Fry has been a dedicated, involved member of Suffield’s Board of Education for the past 5 years. He’s a 13 year resident of Suffield and has 3 wonderful children in our public school system. He holds a
Master’s degree in Science and works locally as an orthopedic PA.
Brian believes that the Suffield public schools need to prepare ALL of our children for an
ever-changing world. They need a foundation of solid academics and exposure to a wide range
of opportunities. We are preparing each child for THEIR unique life path. We must empower our
kids to enter the workforce, college or the military. In partnership with families, our schools
should foster kindness, responsible citizenship, and a strong work ethic. It’s our obligation to
provide students with a safe, healthy learning environment, academic rigor and support, and
only the best teachers and administrators.
Brian believes that Suffield is ready to provide a pre-school education to all students. We should
be providing breakfast, lunch and all necessary learning materials for our students. Suffield
residents deserve a transparent, responsive, and fiscally responsible BOE. In his tenure on the
Board, Brian has responded to every email, text and phone call he’s ever received from the
people of Suffield. He welcomes public input and carefully considers all opinions. Given the
chance, he will ensure that this continues to happen. Brian is hopeful that your vote will help him
continue his important work!
I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge our disappointment that Fred Sweitzer and Kristen Kling were not appointed to the Kent Memorial Library Commission and Social Services Commission respectively and to thank everyone who turned out to speak during the public comment period or sign... Read more »
Kathleen Dunai has announced her retirement as Suffield's Town Clerk. We thank Kathleen for her years of dedicated service and wish her well in her next adventure! The Democratic Town Committee will be nominating a citizen to replace Kathleen for the remainder of her term. If anyone registered a... Read more »
Early voting - August 5-11th at Town Hall 10 am – 6 pm (8 am – 8 pm on August 6 and 8)Absentee Ballot - request via: (apply early) Election Day - August 13th - Suffield Middle School - 6 pm - 8 pm ... Read more »