My name is Peter Hill and I am running for the Board of Selectman. The last few years have been extremely turbulent in town government with many people feeling that important decisions are made behind closed doors. I am running to be a voice of stability and common sense. Most importantly, I will run to open our government to our town’s people.
We need to immediately restore the public’s faith in government. That must start from the top. One simple way to do so is to allow public comment at both the beginning and end of Board of Selectman meetings so people have an opportunity to give feedback about what occurred at the meeting. We also need to make sure all Board of Selectman meetings are televised on public access and streamed online. This will allow seniors and working families, to better participate in our government.
My wife Amy and I moved to town 14 years ago. We have two children in Suffield schools, Norah (11) and Sadie (9). Our son Cullen (5) is in kindergarten at the CREC Museum Academy. With a young family, I appreciate the time and financial constraints on town residents. I commit to fight to keep spending in town in check and will hold open office hours one Saturday a month to allow residents who cannot make weekly meetings an opportunity to speak with me about their concerns facing the town.
I am starting my 18th year as a sales representative with Connecticut Distributors. As a successful salesman you must have one very important skill, listening. Above all else, my commitment to you is that I will listen to your concerns and will be a voice for you on the Board of Selectman.
I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge our disappointment that Fred Sweitzer and Kristen Kling were not appointed to the Kent Memorial Library Commission and Social Services Commission respectively and to thank everyone who turned out to speak during the public comment period or sign... Read more »
Kathleen Dunai has announced her retirement as Suffield's Town Clerk. We thank Kathleen for her years of dedicated service and wish her well in her next adventure! The Democratic Town Committee will be nominating a citizen to replace Kathleen for the remainder of her term. If anyone registered a... Read more »
Early voting - August 5-11th at Town Hall 10 am – 6 pm (8 am – 8 pm on August 6 and 8)Absentee Ballot - request via: (apply early) Election Day - August 13th - Suffield Middle School - 6 pm - 8 pm ... Read more »